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The Personality Brokers

Now I am quietly waiting for the catastrophe of my personality to seem beautiful again, and interesting, and modern.
— Frank O’Hara


The Personality Brokers

The Strange History of Myers-Briggs and the Birth of Personality Testing


An unprecedented history of the personality test conceived a century ago by a mother and her daughter—fiction writers with no formal training in psychology—and how it insinuated itself into our boardrooms, classrooms, and beyond.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most popular personality test in the world. It is used regularly by Fortune 100 companies, universities, hospitals, churches, and the military. Its language of personality types–extraverts vs. introverts, thinkers vs. feelers–has inspired television shows, online dating platforms, and Buzzfeed quizzes. And yet despite the test’s widespread adoption, experts in the field of psychometric testing, a $2 billion industry, have struggled to validate its results–no less account for its success. How did Myers-Briggs, a homegrown multiple choice questionnaire, infiltrate our workplaces, our relationships, our Internet, our lives? 

First conceived in the 1920s by the mother-daughter team of Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, a pair of devoted homemakers, novelists, and amateur psychoanalysts, Myers-Briggs was designed to bring the gospel of Carl Jung to the masses. But it would take on a life entirely its own, reaching from the smoke-filled boardrooms of mid-century New York to Berkeley, California, where it was administered to some of the twentieth century’s greatest creative minds. It would travel across the world to London, Zurich, Cape Town, Melbourne, and Tokyo, until it could be found just as easily in elementary schools, nunneries, and wellness retreats as in the closed-door corporate training sessions of today.

Drawing from original reporting and never-before-published documents, The Personality Brokers takes a critical look at the personality indicator that became a cultural icon. Along the way it examines nothing less than the definition of the self–our attempts to grasp, categorize, and quantify our personalities. Surprising and absorbing, the book, like the test at its heart, considers the timeless question: What makes you you?

Published by Random House Canada (September 2018), and by Harper Collins UK (September 2018) under the title What's Your Type?: The Strange History of Myers Briggs and the Birth of Personality Testing.

Praise for ‘The Personality Brokers’:

“In this riveting, far-reaching book [Emre] brings the skills of a detective, cultural critic, historian, scientist and biographer to bear on the MBTI and the two women who invented and promoted it…. She is never condescending to or dismissive of the people who find their four-dimensional profiles illuminating and helpful. That is why, when Ms. Emre describes her book as being ‘for the skeptics, the true believers, and everyone in between,’ she is absolutely right.”

“Merve Emre’s new book begins like a true-crime thriller, with the tantalizing suggestion that a number of unsettling revelations are in store…. It takes a while to realize that Emre has gotten you hooked under arguably false pretenses, but what she finally pulls off is so inventive and beguiling you can hardly begrudge her for it. The revelations she uncovers are less scandalous than they are affecting and occasionally (and delightfully) bizarre…. The Personality Brokers is history that reads like biography that reads like a novel—a fluid narrative that defies expectations and plays against type.” 

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